Why Should You Advertise on the Internet
Some Internet Facts

No matter what business you are in, Internet is the medium that will provide you with the widest audience. 30 million of households in US own home computers, this number is expected to reach 70 million by the end of the century. Half of the computers in households are used for browsing on the internet. When you add to this number, the number of people who access the internet from their workplace, it is easy to see that, Internet is THE medium that will reach a truly vast audience.

If you are selling a product or a service, consider the following facts, and, you will see that Internet is the medium that will give you the maximum bang for your dollars.

I n t e r n e t   A u d i e n c e

B u s i n e s s   O n   I n t e r n e t
S o m e   I n t e r n e t   R e f e r e n c e s

The facts presented above have been summarized from some of the fllowing references. If you wish to get more detailed information about the Internet, follow the hotlinks presented below.

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